Thyroid Reset System

A comprehensive all-in-one thyroid program designed to support and empower women with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's to take control of their symptoms so that they can live a life they love.


Re-ignite Your Thyroid, Reclaim Your Life:

Welcome to the Thyroid Reset System

Hey there, thyroid warrior!

Are you tired of feeling like your body is holding you back? Are you fed up with the relentless fatigue, stubborn weight gain, and brain fog that seem to cloud your every move? I hear you, and I understand the frustrations and challenges that come with having hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's.

But guess what? You don't have to settle for a life dictated by your thyroid. There is hope, and it comes in the form of the Thyroid Reset System—a comprehensive program designed to be your guiding light on the path to optimal thyroid health.


This program is right for you if:

You have hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto's

You are taking thyroid medication (synthroid, levothyroxine, natural desiccated thyroid) and still feel terrible

You are beyond exhausted and feel like you can't keep up with your life

 You can't lose weight no matter what or how hard you try - nothing seems to work for you anymore

You can't seem to think straight. The brain fog is unbearable and it's starting to impact your performance at work

 You're experiencing a ton of hair loss

✓ You are so bloated that it looks like you're 6 months pregnant by the end of the day

 You have elevated thyroid antibodies and normal thyroid hormone levels, but all the symptoms of hypothyroidism

✓ You've had a partial or full thyroidectomy, but still experience fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, and all the other hypothyroid symptoms


If you experience any of these issues above:


Introducing the Thyroid Reset System:

You're in the right place.

Picture this.. waking up each morning feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world. Imagine effortlessly shedding those stubborn pounds that have been clinging to you for far too long. Envision a mind that is clear, sharp, and that allows you to unleash your full potential. It might sound out of reach, but I assure you, it is possible for you!

The Thyroid Reset System is not just another program; it's a transformational journey tailored specifically for incredible women like you. This is your opportunity to break free from the chains of your thyroid struggles and step into a life filled with vitality, joy, and empowerment.


Here's what you get when you join the TRS:

 Lifetime access to the TRS membership site where you will have access to all the pre-recorded video lessons, handouts, worksheets, and resources, including any future updates made to the program content. This means that you will always have access to the latest research on natural treatments for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's!

 4 months of weekly support to help you with implementing the changes that are recommended in the program and staying on track with achieving your health goals. Weekly LIVE group coaching calls are held on zoom and replays of the calls are available in a private Facebook group.

 1-1 support and protocol customization (VIP program only) to set you up for success. This is the highest level of support in the program where you get to work 1-1 with Dr. Rachel Vong, ND and your own personal health coach to come up with a customized protocol specifically for you that takes into consideration your medical history, blood work, and health goals. Additional testing may be discussed, if needed. 

  Hundreds of thyroid-friendly recipes to give you a ton of inspiration for meal prep and planning. All of these recipes follow the TRS diet as outlined in the program and have been hand picked to support your macronutrient goals. Another bonus: they're delicious!

 Supportive community of thyroid warriors just like you who know exactly what you're going through. We value community and support so much in this program, so we created a TRS Accountability Group where you will have 24/7 access to a Telegram chat and monthly accountability zoom calls where you can connect with other amazing women, share your story, get inspired, and feel supported the whole way through.

 Lifetime access to all of my free and paid workshops/trainings for the year (VIP program only) including: 

This is what you'll be learning:

Module by module, we'll dive deep into the crucial aspects of thyroid health, providing you with the knowledge, tools, and unwavering support you need to thrive. Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:

Module 1: Nutrition for the Thyroid

Get ready to discover a whole new world of nourishment as we unveil the power of thyroid-friendly foods (and not so friendly foods), supercharged nutrients, and targeted dietary strategies. We'll guide you on a delicious journey that will fuel your body and support optimal thyroid function. Food lists and recipes are included!

Module 2: The Stress-Thyroid Connection

Let's explore the intricate relationship between stress and your thyroid. You'll learn all about the HPA Axis and how to identify and address adrenal dysfunction (what was once called "adrenal fatigue"). The program will walk you through practical techniques to manage stress, restore balance, and cultivate a mindset that empowers you to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Module 3: Exercise and Movement for the Thyroid

It's time to reclaim your body and revitalize your thyroid through movement. This module will illuminate new ways of looking at movement and teach you how to become more in tune with the signs and signals of your body. 

Module 4: Digestive Health

Prepare to unlock the secrets of gut health and its profound impact on thyroid and immune function. You will learn why the key to treating Hashimoto's Thyroiditis lies in the gut. We'll delve into the world of gut healing, optimizing digestion, and fostering a thriving microbiome to support your thyroid and immune system regulation.

Module 5: Supplements that Supercharge Your Thyroid

Discover what is in Dr. Rachel Vong, ND's toolbox of targeted supplements and natural remedies that have been game-changers for her patients with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. You will be presented with all the latest research on the vitamins, minerals, and herbs that have shown to be beneficial for thyroid health so that you can feel confident in supporting your body's healing journey.

Module 6: Liver Health & Environmental Toxins

In this final module, we'll tackle the environmental toxins that sabotage your thyroid function. You'll learn how to detoxify your body, optimize liver health, and create an environment that nurtures your thyroid's natural balance.


What our members say...


About the founder:
Dr. Rachel Vong, ND



Hi! I'm a Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor with a clinical focus on thyroid disorders, specifically hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. I am SO passionate about educating and empowering women with the knowledge and the tools to take their health into their own hands.

As I'm sure many of you are aware, there is a HUGE gap in the conventional approach to treating hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. My mission in this life is to fill that gap so that more women can live a life they love without settling for mediocre health.


Still unsure? Let's chat! 

If you want to know if the Thyroid Reset System would be a good fit for you, book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call and let's chat about your thyroid issues, your health goals and how the Thyroid Reset System can help you achieve them!