The key to optimizing your thyroid is to reduce stress in your body..

I can't stress enough how important it is to understand the ways that stress impacts your thyroid and how to reduce the stress load in your body. This isn't just a workshop - it is a powerful and empowering conversation around how much control you actually have over how your stressors affect your body and ultimately, the progression of your thyroid disease. If you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's, this is a must-attend workshop that will be so important for your thyroid healing journey.


About your host:
Dr. Rachel Vong, ND



Hi! I'm a Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor with a clinical focus on thyroid disorders, specifically hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. I am SO passionate about educating and empowering women with the knowledge and the tools to take their health into their own hands.

As I'm sure many of you are aware, there is a HUGE gap in the conventional approach to treating hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. My mission in this life is to fill that gap so that more women can live a life they love without settling for mediocre health.


Day 1

  • The HPA Axis and the stress response
  • "Fight or flight" vs. "rest and digest"
  • Cortisol: the goldilocks hormone
  • The 4 stages of adrenal dysfunction and how to determine which stage you're in
  • How stress affects the thyroid and how it impacts hypothyroidism & Hashimoto's
  • How to test for adrenal dysfunction

Day 2

  • How to reduce the stress load in your body
  • Commonly used adaptogens and nervines
  • How to repair your adrenals for each stage of adrenal dysfunction using diet, nutrients, herbs, and lifestyle changes

Day 3 

  • Effective stress management tools and strategies
  • How to build stress resiliency so that stress doesn't blow up in your face every time you encounter a stressor
  • Mindset work
  • PLUS a live Q & A the following day!

Stress is out of our control.. so they say. 

I'm here to change this narrative. Stress doesn't have to be the way of living. Stress doesn't define who you are, nor should it affect your health the way it might right now. I'm here to give you the tools to set you free of your stressors so that you can start healing your thyroid and living the life you've always wanted. Join me in this amazing 3-day potentially life-changing experience.